Sustainably to Your Dream Shape
without stress and constant up-and-downs.
What You Can Expect and
Why it works
There is no such thing as one program!
There isn't the one way to get to your desired results!
Your way of getting there is as individual as YOU are!
We analyse your situation in detail, leaving no stone unturned. We take a close look into what and when you eat, your digestion, sleep, stress level, hormonal balance as well as weekly activities. Then we will develop your individual strategy.

Clients' Success Stories
Real Results are more valuable than any promises.
That's why we let our customers speak for us:
Allie R.
(35 I Orange County, California I Teacher & Founder)
"It totally changed my life beyond losing weight!" within 6 months.

"I started in an unsure and unhealthy place. I have tried doing it by my own and continuously failed and thought that I would never achieve what I wanted to achieve until I met Mimi and Markus.
The results were actually so easy and simple for me to achieve. I can really understand my body in so many different areas. It really feels like a lifestyle shift and it becomes second nature!
Even being in different times zones, it was so easy to communicate. The
coaching experience has been amazing - such an individualised approach was exactly what I needed!"
Hubert S.
(40 I Netherlands I Managing Director)
"I already lost 5 kg in 2 month time.
It had a huge effect on how I feel energetically."

"I am vegetarian and it became more difficult for me to get the nutrition right. Due to corona, I lost external motivation to stay in a healthy weight and that's what I needed help with.
We started with my sleeping habits and we had a huge effect on how I feel. We took many small steps to get to my goals and that really worked well for me. What I have learned is something I can really take forward to the upcoming years.
It went so easy and smooth and I am really happy that I took that decision!"
Sadaf B.
(33 I London, United Kingdom I
Head of Model Agency)
"I am super happy with my results"
Got into her personal best shape within 4 months

"Before I came to you, I was lost what advice to take and what not, because there is much information on the internet.
What surprised me most is that I was less active and got better results. The most important is that I got to know my body much better and that my stress has disappeared on a daily basis!
The best thing is that you really tailored it to me and I did not have to worry about it myself anymore. It was so hands on and we touched on everything holistically: my sleep, energy, nutrition, workout, stress, and so much more"
Christian M.
(49 I GrĂŒnewald in Munich, Germany I
CEO International Management)
"I reached a body fat percentage of 18%"
Works on his fitness for healthy aging!

"I am sitting a lot on the desk in my professional career and suffered significantly from back pain, I managed now to work out of it!
Between the age of 30-40, it went down and I realised that I have to work on my fitness to go for the next 40 years. I do a lot of sailing, I do a lot of skiing and if I want to continue doing these things in the next 30 years, I need to work on my basis.
I like the way how you took a holistic approach discussing life circumstance, nutrition circumstances, training ambitious, former life as an athlete and the overall holistic approach."
Who will help you in your journey?
About Us
Mimi Ruth
Certified Fitness Trainer &
Nutrition Expert
Mimi has always been passionate about living a healthy and active life. However, at one point she gained 10 kg and was not happy anymore in her own skin. She felt unfit, uncomfortable and that she was not living on her highest potential as she sabotaged herself over and over again.
She then took the decision to change and after many trials & errors she found out what works for her personally and reached her desired form, energy levels, and body confidence. Since she got to know her own individual body and build a lifestyle around it, it has been easy for Mimi to maintain her dream shape for years.
Excited about this life-changing transformation, Mimi started sharing her journey on Instagram, became a certified Nutritionist & Personal Trainer, and studied everything she could about individual, healthy & sustainable strategies to get in shape. Coaching countless people from all over the world in the last years, Mimi is now the expert in getting people into their best version & into their dream shape sustainably.
Markus Schneider
Certified Mindset &
Holistic Health Coach
Markus is a certified coach since almost 10 years. He has always been passionate about helping people to use their full potential. In achieving your dream shape it is not only important to follow the right strategies, it's also about having the right mindset to overcome challenges.
Apart from his coaching expertise, Markus went through his own weight loss journey in 2019. He was heavier than 100 kg and his lifestyle had consequences on his sleep, energy levels and digestion. Even though he wasn't living unhealthy, his past approaches didn't work for him. With Mimi's help, he got to know & understand what his body really needs, started doing the right things for him individually & finally lost the excess weight, while putting in less work & efforts in than before.
Today, Markus is in his best shape ever, living a healthy & sustainable lifestyle without any restrictions. For our clients, Markus is the expert for reducing stress, overcoming challenges & building sustainable habits, helping to reach their dream shape & being able to keep it.
How can you work with Mimi Ruth?
Kind regards
Mimi Ruth
Expert for long lasting weight loss and
getting you in your dream shape


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Social Media
* Disclaimer:
These are all real clients of ours who share their real opinions. Nobody was compensated for these videos in any way!
We cannot guarantee you results. All of the awesome people on this website worked hard for their success and they really deserved it!
These successes are usually only possible if you speak to us 1: 1 beforehand in a free consultation session and get to know our strategy for your individual situation.
This is NOT a "promising wonders overnight" program. This comes from a real company (registered in the commercial register), with real employees and real customers.
Note: The offers and contents on this page are expressly aimed only at traders and entrepreneurs within the meaning of §14 BGB.